
What does THERAPEE™ include?


The most advanced and safe bed-pad and alarm system available today.​


License for THERAPEE’s online interactive software program.

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Success Stories

It really worked for us and I highly recommend it

My 8 YO son was very upset that he still needed to wear pull ups and the icing on the cake was on of his younger cousins (who is 4) asking why Evan needed to wear diapers! We had tried multiple solutions and attempts and nothing worked. I don’t know exactly what it was about this program, but things clicked for our son right away. I think it had a lot to do with the videos that addressed him directly; not just an adult or parent talking down to him, but empathizing with his situation and challenges. We definitely had some nights when the alarm went off, but it didn’t take long at all (basically 4 weeks) and he was staying dry all night. I don’t know what we would have done without this program. It really worked for us and I highly recommend it. Thanks, Dr. Sagie!!!!

January 12, 2016

This is THE ONLY bedwetting solution that works. 

This is THE ONLY bedwetting solution that works. My daughter was trained for the night and was dry for around 8 months and then went back to bedwetting. We tried everything to help her stay dry but nothing works. Thanks to Dr. Sagie shes totally dry again at just 5 months later.

Fantastic Program! It really does work!

My 9 year old daughter had wet the bed every single night, she never ever had a dry night. We started using the bed alarm the end of October. The first couple weeks she would wet the bed 2-3 times a night. Between weeks 2-4, her wetting was only once a night and she even had some dry nights. Weeks 4-8..she’s been completely dry, no accidents! According to the program and her progress she only needs to use the bed mat for 2 more weeks. I’m amazed. Therapee is worth every penny. Had I known this would work so well, I would have bought it long ago! I notice all the confidence my daughter has now. And soon she’ll be able to have her very first sleepover.

Jahna Dvorak
December 27, 2015

Good luck. You are not alone. TheraPee works!

I have twin girls, one of whom took to potty training immediately and the other who did not. The one who did not would often cry asking “Why am I different?” Adding insult to injury, a school friend came over and found my daughter’s night times and proceeded to tell the other kids at school. Well, that unfortunate incident led my child to get motivated, and finally ask for help. Now, this is not for lack of trying on our own, but after night after night of accidents we would all give up. So I started researching and found TheraPee. Within a month, my daughter was fully potty trained, and we are all grateful.

The best part of Therapee, in my opinion, is the online counseling. Essentially, you start with your child by watching videos online of Dr. Sagie, who speaks to both you and your child. These videos are so encouraging and amazing. While you, as a parent, have done your research to know that your child is not alone, your child feels very alone. Immediately your child will smile at the words of Dr. Sagie – knowing that they have nothing to feel shameful about and that many kids go through what they are going through. And then Dr. Sagie provides exercises for your child to do… Personally, my daughter couldn’t wait to start trying. And then every morning there is an online calendar to fill out with your evening’s progress. Accidents or not, my daughter couldn’t wait to get started earning calendar stars. And then every two weeks, Dr. Sagie would come back via video and talk to your child based on your calendar input. Again, he was so encouraging… letting my child know this is a process.

Right away we used the alarm system for the bed. It was helpful and while my daughter wouldn’t immediately wake up to the alarm, we would get her up to try going to the bathroom anyway. Within a few weeks we no longer needed the alarm or the system.

It’s not often that a parent will share their bed wetting frustrations, but when they do, I recommend TheraPee.

Rebecca Rosen "Mediadance" (Los Angeles, CA United States)
January 10, 2015

Amazing program with great results

Our 10 yr old daughter had been hiding the fact that she was wetting her bed. We discovered that she was just a very deep sleeper and was not even knowing she wet the bed until she woke up.
We order Therapee and began using it the same day it was delivered. She had 4 wet nights in the first 11 days, by the 3rd wet night she was barely wet before the alarm went off and she was able to stop on her own. Since day 11 she has not had one single accident and she now knows what it is like to have to go. Her brain knows what to do when she has the sensation of having to go. She just finished up her 8th week of the program and she finally doesn’t have to say no to friends who ask to stay the night or invite her over. We celebrated by going mattress shopping!! She has so much more confidence, does not feel ashamed, and is so proud that she has stopped wetting the bed. I highly recommend Dr Sagie’s Therapee system, it is well worth the money!!!

Erica Molden
February 7, 2016

I feel so good to stop wetting the bed so I can do sleep overs without being stressed out. I don’t have to keep secrets anymore from my other family and friends. I feel like it is a big accomplishment! I am excited to do overnights without the alarm. Before I used it I was upset with my bed wetting at night because it kept waking me up and I would wake up wet. And now that I’m done I don’t have to carry it back and forth between my parent’s houses. I am glad that I used therapee!
C. (age 9)


It was a great relief for him 

Thank you so much ! Your program has indeed been instrumental in getting our son over his bed wetting. He has been struggling with this for 13 years. I can’t tell you how much we have spent on pull-ups and laundry soap cleaning bed sheets. Having to deal with the social stigma, missed sleep overs, camping trips that had to be avoided, all were not possible up until January this year when he turned the corner and started getting dry nights and getting up himself to go to the bath room. Our son now 14 is completed free of bed wetting after having used your Therapee program for about 6 months. He stopped using the alarm pad 5 months ago and can now have sleep overs with confidence. He finished his grade 8 year with a school field trip and was totally confident he would have dry beds and accomplished this with no problem.

Our son has always been a very deep sleeper and quite physically active in the day doing sports. He just never developed the skill of bladder control most likely because of the deep sleeping. It was a great relief for him and us to know this was normal and not a result of laziness or immaturity. What made the difference with the Therapee program for our son was the combination of non-judgemental , simple and practical step by step process towards success. We would highly recommend this program for anyone dealing with bed wetting.

We are very grateful to the Therapee program and strongly recommend it.

Our 7 year old wet the bed almost every night. Nothing we did helped. We tried Therapee and after five or six weeks he has been dry every night! It really works. I am writing this review only to help other parents out there, and for no other reason. We are very grateful to the Therapee program and strongly recommend it.

Happy Mom & Dad
February 11, 2016

My son is 9 and was very frequently wetting the bed (interestingly, not as much at his dad’s house). It was so exhausting having to get up in the middle of the night, change his bedsheets, and wash them every morning, sometimes two loads a day. Within a week of starting the program, I saw incredible results and he has now completed the program. I don’t know what to say except that this was an incredible result and I’m thrilled. I debated for a long time about whether the cost was worth it, but when I factored in the cost of pullups and using the coin laundry machines, over a few months it paid for itself. And the problem is solved! I’m really blown away and wish I had heard of this years ago. I’ll be telling my pediatrician (who just said year after year that it was normal) and everyone else I know in the same situation.
The customer service was great – I always got a fast reply to my questions.
Thank you so much!!!!

K.T (Canada)

Joshua was 7 years old and was tremendously struggling to stay dry at night. He would sometimes have 1 dry night a week, but pull-ups were a must unless I wanted to clean bedding every day. I was at a loss as to what to do. Nothing I tried worked and I was really worried we would never figure it out. Then, I began searching for a solution online. I stumbled upon Dr. Sagie’s solution and boy am I glad I did. As the weeks passed, my son wet less and less. It took about 3 months to have all dry nights. He has now been dry for 3 months. We could not be more happy with the results and will continue to use Dr. Sagie’s exercises to ensure his success continues. Our son has so much more confidence and that in itself is the most wonderful feeling. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Dr. Sagie!! I will be forever thankful!


The opinions expressed here are only the evaluations of the individuals, results may vary from person to person. We cannot guarantee the same results for every client.