
What does THERAPEE™ include?


The most advanced and safe bed-pad and alarm system available today.​


License for THERAPEE’s online interactive software program.

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For free consultation with one of our bedwetting specialists

Success Stories

We continued to put him in pull ups which only made the situation worse. His brain never got trained to wake itself.

This has completely changed our lives, for the entire household! My ten year old son was always thought of as a “heavy sleeper” and wouldn’t wake up to use the restroom. We continued to put him in pull ups which only made the situation worse. His brain never got trained to wake itself up when the bladder needed to empty. Because of TheraPee, he has been cured! Like within 5 days!!! Once the alarm awoke him (during the phase of the bladder emptying) he began to associate waking up with the need to urinate. It was a miracle!!!! After a few weeks he mentioned that when he would urinate during the day he would hear the alarm in his mind!!! Talk about Classical Conditioning~ It really works and I wish we would’ve used it earlier! He just had his first sleep over with his best friend without hiding pull ups in his bag! Best product ever!!!

If you’ve come to this page to scan the range of testimonials here in an effort to decide whether the TheraPee product will work for your child, please read my brief story below. As the father of a 12 year old bed-wetting boy, my wife and I had reached the point this past spring where we genuinely felt that “nothing would work” for addressing our son’s nightly bed wetting. We had even made an appointment to begin psychological evaluations of our son which were designed to “break him” of this uncomfortable and deeply embarrassing habit. Fortunately, after a reasonable amount of web-searching, I found the TheraPee product. The price seemed a bit high, but we were desperate to try ANYTHING that might help him. To cut to the chase, I have two words that genuinely brought tears to our eyes: it worked. Our son is now completely dry each and every night, and is able to sleep all the way through the night without any incident/event whatsoever.

If you are “on the fence” about getting this product, please consider this: you will be making a one-time investment for your son or daughter – once he or she can sleep through the night without wetting their bed, THAT’S IT!! There’s no reverting back to their earlier behavior for the rest of their lives!! As 2017 comes to a close, we are truly grateful to Dr. Sagie and this marvelous system which changed our boy’s life for the better – forever! Thank you!!!

David (USA)

Therapee Really Worked for Us!

TheraPee really does work! My son was 8 and still bedwetting at night. He was wearing pull ups every night and becoming quite embarrassed by it plus pull ups are expensive! I bought the TheraPee program and it worked sooner than we could have even imagined (within a month). It was much easier to use this alarm than the one we had used in the past (that didn’t work). The previous one pinned onto my son and was cumbersome. This one we just laid beneath his top sheet, he slept normally and easily unplugged it when the alarm went off. This in combination with the positive reinforcement from the videos/Dr. Sagie and the chart seemed to be the key. My only complaint is that when you are done with the mat, there is no program to return it for some sort of money back or some sort of recycling program. I could give it to a friend, however the friend would not get the benefit of the entire program. At least the other alarm you could resell and hope it worked for somebody else! Definitely worth the purchase price.

L. Cook "lovechildrensbooks"
January 10, 2015

My son John started the program at the end of June. He had just turned 10 that month and had been wetting the bed for years.
I had read the testimonials about the program as well as a few friends swearing by it.
My son took to it right away having accidents a few times, a few turning into occasional accidents followed by dry nights. By late September he was no longer having accidents and dry nightly.

We are so proud of John! Your program really works and I’d recommend it to all!!!

Thank you from a mom no longer hates the word laundry.


Excellent, worth every penny!

Highly recommend if your child is a deep sleeper, wish we had seen this years ago as explanation from Dr Sagie was excellent and within a week we saw progress and complete resolution after a couple of weeks, amazing! It’s a shame my child had to go through years of, ‘he’ll grow out of it’, restricting fluids, getting low self esteem, missing out on sleep overs, disappointment as reward charts were never achieveable, as no health professional had thought it was down to his sleep pattern, instead making him feel it was something he could control! Thank you Dr Sagie

Kindle Customer
March 18, 2016

Hi Dr. Sagie

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for creating a solution to my son’s bed-wetting problem. I didn’t want to use medication and this was the perfect solution. Like you said in your videos, it isn’t easy and takes real determination and hard work. He is so much more confident and excited to go on sleepovers. He was especially happy to stop wearing pull ups every night. He was very excited about this achievement, it really boosted his self-confidence. He looked forward to your “conference call” every other week.

Thank you!

My 11 year old has struggled all his life with chronic bedwetting. It was a nightly occurrence and we’ve seen every specialist who thought it was this issue or that issue. We followed all advice given to us to help our son but all failed. This was the ONLY thing that helped and didn’t require any supplements or medication! Within 1 month we saw several dry nights in a row and within 3 months we saw weeks of dry nights. We couldn’t be happier with our investment in Therapee. Thank you for such a wonderful tool to help our boy overcome this hurdle in his life!!


My Granddaughter was fully potty trained by the time she was 2yrs old and never had any accidents, although she did go to the toilet a lot. She was a very heavy sleeper slept 10 hrs and nothing would wake her so I was not surprised at nearly 5 never had a dry night. Her Mum tried with great difficulty lifting her out of bed twice in the night and she was still soaked in the morning. I came across this system looking for answers and listening to other people decided not to wait until she was much older and regret it. Results so far: After 5 nights she had her first dry night, the next 4 nights were 1 dry 1 accident 1 dry 1 accident then 17 consecutive dry nights. On her 5th Birthday she had her 13th dry night. I am not surprised that it is working although I thought it would take a lot longer but what I am amazed at is that the dry nights are complete dry nights she is not getting up at all to go to the toilet. I thought she would be up a number of times in the night. Best money I ever spent even thank you so much cannot tell you happy Mum and Daughter are.


My daughter will soon be 12 and this program actually WORKED for her. She had never experienced more than MAYBE one dry night in a 6-week period prior to this system. She would wake up in the morning with a pull-up and it would be so heavily soaked sometimes that she would soak through the bedding. We tried everything…chiropractor, medications prescribed by a pediatrician, waking her up every 3 hours to take her to the bathroom, plastic sheets, limiting her fluid intake after 6 pm….nothing worked. Her self-confidence was so affected, she hated being so different from her friends. This program starting working for her after 3 weeks. She started having dry nights with the occasional accident. After three months, I was convinced she was successful. It’s been almost 5 months now and no accidents!! Her self-confidence is growing every day. She has sleepovers without a second thought. I can’t say enough good things about this program, and will recommend it to anyone else who is experiencing the same troubles! Thank you Therapee!!


Worth EVERY penny and more! My son no longer wets the bed and that is priceless!!!!

My 6 1/2 year old was just not “outgrowing” his bedwetting like so many people had said he would. He was wet consistently and he was beginning to be bothered and embarrassed about it. This program is fantastic!! It takes commitment on the parent’s and child’s part but the positive reinforcement encouraged by Dr. Sagie was just what we needed to persevere. Within 3 weeks he began having dry nights and after a few months he was dry over 90% of the time. Now, after 6 months he graduated the program and is dry all the time!!! He is so excited and proud of himself! A few times along the way I had questions and Dr. Sagie always got back to me personally within hours to advise and encourage. I heartily recommend this program to anyone willing to put in a little effort for priceless returns!

The opinions expressed here are only the evaluations of the individuals, results may vary from person to person. We cannot guarantee the same results for every client.