Dear Therapee,
Therapee worked for my heavy-sleeper 10 year old son and within 6 weeks he was completely dry! Thank you! Prior to Therapee he wet himself nearly every night. Our pediatrician suggested we wake him up to pee when we went to bed which was a few hours after he went to bed but this did not work. We tried this method nightly for as long as 6 weeks on several occasions but to no avail. I think Therapee worked for us because when the pad got wet and the alarm went off it made the neurologic connection for my son at the exact time of the urination which helped his brain realize how to keep him dry.
The first 10 – 14 days we had nearly all wet nights and then the neurologic connection was made and the wet nights were few and far between. By 6 weeks he was dry. We completed the program over 3 months ago and he’s only had one wet night. We are so pleased. We traveled to Europe and didn’t have to pack pull ups!
I learned of Therapee in a Facebook advertisement. I was very skeptical but I read many of the reviews and watched the videos and decided it was legit. I now wish I had known about this years ago. It would have saved us all the money spent on pull-up diapers, time washing bedding, and the embarrassment and shame my son felt.
I circled back with our pediatrician and informed her and her staff of the benefits of Therapee. I also really appreciated that the program directly addressed my son so he felt empowered.
Thank you Therapee!