TheraPee has worked. My daughter had medical issues from the start. While we were working with top urologists in our area, she experienced a traumatic abuse. This event, combined with her pre-existing condition, made her incontinence especially difficult to treat. She’s been in trauma therapy with a LCSW for several years now. As her body has grown and changed, we expected that her condition was resolving itself. The TheraPee system was the best option to work with her in a “hands-off” way. Since the first night, she has been dry. She cried and complained of not sleeping because she was scared of setting it off, but she finally got used to it somewhat, and she did sleep. She hasn’t worn a GoodNight since day one using the system. Personally, I never thought we’d see this day. Her body was ready, but her mind wouldn’t trust itself. This form of therapy allowed her to discover the power within her. Thank you so much.