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TheraPee Bedwetting Reviews and Success Stories

Thank you!  We have started the program and it’s working beautifully!  I have an 11 year old that is an extremely deep sleeper, and usually had several wet nights a week.  We’ve tried several other products and nothing worked.  We have been using the program for over 3 weeks and he’s only been wet the first 2 nights and then one minor accident after that.  He was very skeptical at first but is sooo happy now!  I wish I would have found this product sooner!  It’s a life changer for my son and family! 


Our nine-year-old struggled with bed-wetting every single night. Often he would wet multiple times a night, soaking through a pull-up and all of his blankets and water-proof mattress protector. We tried talking to his doctor, going to the chiropractor, limiting liquids, waking him up in the night, and nothing worked. I honestly thought this was something we’d deal with for many more years to come as there was no end in sight. I was so tired of buying expensive pull-ups and still washing all of his layers of bedding almost daily. It was also hard to see how embarrassing it was for him, especially when visiting family out of town. My husband found the Therapee alarm and I was immediately skeptical. We’d tried an alarm with our other son and it never stayed put and was just a nuisance to him. Plus the price seemed high. But out of desperation for anything that could help, we ordered it. That was the best decision we could have made. It started working almost immediately. We were worried it wouldn’t wake our very deep sleeper, but it did. And after just a few weeks, he started having dry nights consecutively for the first time in his life. After a few months, he was completely done with bed wetting. I am still in disbelief but so very grateful for this product. I wish I would have bought it years ago. It literally changed our lives for the better and I would recommend it to anyone struggling with bed wetting.


We purchased the TheraPee product and software and started using them both together immediately. It has been for just 6 weeks and it’s been amazing! Quote me on your website or online ad. THIS WORKED FOR US! It’s still relatively early, but my 12-year-old has never stayed dry more than a couple days and for years has been wet nearly every night despite many creative efforts. He’s been dry for over 4 weeks now! Game changer!!! His confident smile staying dry is gold. So grateful. Thank you.

This is an unsolicited review.

My son (10) has been consistently wedding the bed to the point where we were just using pull ups for him everyday and gave up trying to clean the bed every morning. We talked to our doctor and the advice was no liquids after 6pm. We did myofunctional therapy but with no consistent results. We tried releasing a tongue tie to help with potential breathing issues, which helped for 3 days but the bedwetting came back. We read about Therapee and to be honest, my husband and I were skeptical and thought maybe it’s a money grab, but we showed our son the website and he seem very motivated, so we figured we didn’t have anything to lose. First few weeks were rough…. He was wetting the bed 2-3 times a night, but wasn’t waking up to the alarm, so we had to wake him. It’s took him 6 weeks and now he’s been dry for 6 weeks. Highly recommend it. It was amazing how this worked! It’s cheaper than constantly buying diapers and he was so happy when he watched the last video that congratulated him on a job well done. 10/10! I’ll be telling my doctor about this program. Thank you Therapee!

We are finished!!!
I am so amazed that the techniques literally trained his body to retain the urine or alert him by waking him to get up and go use the bathroom.  He will wake up sleep and uncertain of what to do, perhaps he sleep walks sometimes, but eventually he will take himself to the restroom or we will direct him.
This is 100%proven to work.
Even if we ever happen to have a set back, which we havent had in several months, I am confident in taking using his device or have him practice his excercises to get us back on track.  – I doubt we will need to, it looks like he has conquered this battle.
Thank you thank you.
The best money spent!

My 9-year-old boy wet the bed twice nightly, every night. He wore pullups until he refused out of embarrassment at age 8, understandably. He could never go to sleepovers and if we went to a hotel, we would have to bring extra soaker pads, sheets and blankets. Every day I was doing 2-3 loads of laundry from his bedding. We needed help. I came across Therapee and read the reviews. I was worried about spending the money on something from the internet. I am very glad I did! after a week of training, he had his first dry night. It was amazing!! He felt amazing about himself. I was so happy for him. We have now been doing two months and he has only had 6 wet nights, which were all in the first two weeks. He has had 49 dry nights in a row. He gets up to pee at night, which he never woke up to do before. He is a very deep sleeper and said he could never feel the need to pee before, now he can. We followed the directions and filled in the chart exactly like we were supposed to do. I give this product and experience a 10/10. I paid for this myself and am not getting paid to create this review. I am so thankful that my son has found success!

SM (Canada)

This was an amazing product!!! My daughter was so stressed and sad.  It taught her resilience and gave her confidence.   Thank you! 


My daughter was having dry nights at the age of two. However, she started wetting her bed at night every night around the age of three. We took her to the doctors and didn’t find a solution. We were told that she may out grow it. Four years later, she turned 7 and had not outgrown it. School trips are coming up later this year for her to stay overnight and she is very self conscious about wearing diaper every night. We tried TheraPee — it was difficult for the parents to wake up twice a night in order to wake her up and change bed sheets and wash a lot of bed sheets everyday. But it was worth it. She had her first dry night on the 10th day. She only had 2 dry nights in the first two weeks, then 5 dry nights in the 3rd and 4th week. In the second month, most nights are dry nights. TheraPee really worked for my daughter. Thank you Dr. Sagie for helping us and so many similar families!


My 3.5-year-old is advanced for her age. She has been potty-trained during the day since she was 20 months old. When we potty-trained, she was still in a crib, so we used pull-ups at sleep times. When we had her move to a toddler bed at two years old, we tried to go cold turkey with pull-ups, but she could not make it all night, nor would she wake up to go to the bathroom. I tried setting alarms at night and getting up with her. For the last year and a half, we tried monitoring liquids and talked to the pediatrician. The pediatrician said she would eventually grow out of it, which might have been true because she is young, but she was so upset when she would wake up wet and say things like “I’m sorry I wet my bed, Momma” with tears in her eyes. When it affected her emotionally, and she was anxious to go to sleep due to bed-wetting, we decided to try something new. She is now 2 months away from being four years old and has been dry for two straight weeks after using the system for only 6 weeks. The alarm worked well for her, the positive reward system has also increased her confidence, and we all have celebrated her success. She is going to bed less anxiously, staying in bed before sleep, and waking up dry, rested, and happy. THANK YOU, Dr. Sagie and Therapee!

My son was bedwetting every night up until we tried TheraPee (at age 6). It was the last resort before going to see the local doctor/GP for advice and next steps. After also reading NHS guidance, trying to monitor what our son did at school (during Reception and Year 1), we felt we needed to be more disciplined and routine in resolving this.
This is where TheraPee was great. We did have some initial concerns, as our son shared a room with his younger brother (4 years old) and as two working parents, being up during the night; we knew that our son was also keen to try the device as he was motivated to stop bedwetting.
What was very positive and motivating for our son was the weekly videos that a) put him in control and interacting with the doctor and b) ability to mark his progress as we progressed. It was difficult for the first 7 days, as our son wet the bed 3 times during the night. However, we noticed this reduce in the second week and significantly reduce after that. It was great to see our son feeling proud of his progress. Within 3.5 weeks, he was completely dry at night, and has remained dry for the past 3 months at night time. He also has had some dribbles during the day, but we are progressing with the exercises given by TheraPee to reduce this.
All in all, we would definitely recommend TheraPee and also appreciated the prompt support where we had additional questions.
K.N (United Kingdom)

The opinions expressed here are only the evaluations of the individuals, results may vary from person to person. We cannot guarantee the same results for every client.

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