Support – Software issues

If you do not find the answers you are looking for on this page, feel free to get in touch with us simply by clicking the “contact us” button below

You should log to –, click “new user account activation”, insert the code and activate the account.

If you’ve ordered directly from TheraPee’s website, your activation code is the email address you provided while purchasing.

Amazon customers – your activation code is your Amazon’s Order ID #.

If you didn’t purchase directly from our website or Amazon, you should get your activation code directly from your seller.

If you have any issues activating your account, please contact us and we’ll get back to you asap.

If you wish to use a tablet, please download our “TheraPee” app.

Simply by going to –

In case you encounter any issues, please contact our customer support department via email at:

When it comes to marking small stains on the underwear, the kind that don’t reach the sheet and trigger the alarm, we mark it according to frequency.

Smaller stains are actually closer to dry nights, as they show increased control and better reflexes.

If small stains happen after wet nights, and this is a new and positive development, you should award it a star, as it will encourage and motivate the child.

However, if this becomes a regular thing, with often and/or consecutive nights with only stains, we cannot mark it as a star as it will make the software think that all is well.

In this case, we mark it as the smallest size of spot and try to estimate the time of the incident.

Is it possible that you are trying to place a blue star instead of a red one in the progress chart?

If the child has stayed dry three nights in a row, the fourth star should be a red one.

Please consult the “how to fill up the progress chart?” video in the FAQ section.

You can find the FAQ section just above the progress chart, on the right hand side.

If your child went through the whole night without wetting the bed, he should get a Blue star. To do that, simply have him drag the star from the top left side of the chart to the relevant box (The date of when he was dry).

After a dry night, your child get’s a Blue star. After 3 dry nights in a row, on the 4th night, he will get a Red star.

Since the software is tailor made to the child’s condition, each case is different – the gold stars are usually added after 4-6 weeks of complete dryness

If your child woke up to go to the bathroom and the sheet/ pad were dry the whole night, he should get a star.

If you did not fill in the chart for a few days/ weeks, we strongly suggest getting in touch with our customer support department and requesting to adjust the chart. We will delete the gaps and allow you to continue where you left off.

Simply by contacting our customer support department via email at:

To watch the previous session, simply click the “Review last session” button on the top left side of the chart. If you wish to review previous sessions, simply contact our customer support department via email at:

As our treatment is tailor made for each child, there is no “list” of exercises which all children are given. In this case what you should do, is simply send an email to our customer support department at: and ask to rewind the chart all the way to the first session (weeks 3-4). This will allow you to watch all the videos from the beginning and write down the exercises.

This usually happens once the child reaches weeks 19-20 as at this point of the treatment, the meetings take place every 4 weeks instead of 2.

Starting weeks 19-20, sessions take place every 4 weeks instead of every 2 week. So in between, there will be nothing to watch.