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What does THERAPEE™ include?


The most advanced and safe bed-pad and alarm system available today.​


License for THERAPEE’s online interactive software program.

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30 Days Money Back Guarantee

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For free consultation with one of our bedwetting specialists

Success Stories

My son was 10 years old when we started Therapee with him. My son didn’t wet the bed every night, but he had enough wet nights that I kept him in a pull up just in case. We had tried all the things people had suggested, no drinks after a certain time, no caffeine etc. and none of them provided a real solution to the problem. So I began to look on the internet for more information about bedwetting and stumbled across Therapee. It was a little costly, but I didn’t want just a bed alarm, I needed something that didn’t just tell us that the sheets were wet and it looked like Therapee would provide that. It was a great investment! Therapee isn’t just a bed alarm, it also provides your child with a goal chart, exercises to work on muscle development and control and “personalized sessions” to encourage and guide your child. It took 22 weeks in total and the difference has been amazing. My son is 13 now, no pull ups for a few years now. He still has the odd accident, but when he does we can assess the situation and figure out the cause right away and he is good again. I have already recommended this system to another friend.

C.B (Canada)

My 8 year old boy was peeing twice a night before this.This has been a blessing!!!

My son has had issues with peeing at night since he first was potty trained. We wondered if it was laziness of getting out bed, or just heavy sleeping. He is a bigger boy and we honestly were taking the lazy way out by buying night pull ups for him. We even had to special order them for his size. He was still peeing through them as he’d pee in it several times a night. It was getting very old washing sheets a couple times some nights. Then when he was 6 we found out he had a low grade brain tumor in his brain stem. One of the Dr.’s questions was if he wet at night? We learned the brain stem controls a lot of functions and so then we gave up trying to help him stop as we blamed it on this. (By the way he is doing great now) So, after more time, I researched different ways to try to help him. This website came up and I figured it was worth a try, as I was spending over $100/month on pull-ups being mailed to us, so it was worth a shot. The first week and a half, he still had accidents, then all of the sudden he started having 4 good nights in a row, then only 1 accident in 2 weeks, now it has been over a month since a bedwetting. He has 2 more weeks to stay using the pad, then he is done. I told him that after he finishes this, we will go out and let him pick out all new bedding and pillows. He is so proud of himself and no longer blaming his tumor and we are so proud of him. I can’t say enough about this system. My husband was very reluctant, now he said it was the best money we spent. Try it, it’s worth it. Thanks you to all of the people who put this together!!!! Wonderful program!

Amazon Customer
January 12, 2016

Absolutely worked for my 12 yr old

Absolutely worked for my 12 yr old. Have tried everything, restricting fluids, waking him up in middle of night, alarms. This worked! We are so very happy

Amazon Customer
January 8, 2016

My 9yo son has NEVER stayed dry more than a single night his entire life. We never made a big deal out of it — I just always had an extra set of sheets and waterproof pads on his bed ready to go in case we needed to strip the top sheet. He wore pull-ups every night since he was out of diapers and leaked out of them regularly. He was getting to the point of embarrassment. He couldn’t do sleepovers. His younger brothers started making fun of him. Watching him be embarrassed for something he couldn’t help broke my heart. I found Therapee and was inspired by the reviews. It was pricey but I was desperate to help my son. I talked to him about it, showed him some reviews and we decided to go for it. The first week he stayed dry THREE nights! He was SO PROUD of himself! He got down in himself a bit when he had a string of mostly wet nights weeks 2 and 3 — especially if the accident was close to wake up time and he woke as soon as the Therapee alarm went off. I had to remind him that this would take work and commitment and he HAD to stay optimistic. We’re on week 12 and I am so happy to say he’s only been wet three nights over the last 9 weeks! It’s so amazing! We’re really looking at success now and it feels great. I’m so proud of him but more importantly, he’s proud of himself.


No Regrets, other than not purchasing sooner

We were relucant to make this purchase because of the price and unknown if it would work and thinking that the problem would solve itself. The first week was tough, our son did not wake for the alarm (very deep sleeper), and this is an alarm that can wake the dead. The second week he was waking for the alarm. By the third week the wet nights was down to 1/2. By the 4th week, he was 100% dry. He has now been dry for over 2 months. This was the best money spent. It has been great for his confidence and feeling of owning and ability to control his own bodily function. I regret not getting this product sooner.

Dr. Sagie’s program was a miracle for us. My almost 12-year-old had been wetting the bed almost nightly despite many efforts to help him. We did everything we could during the past few years, from trying two different wearable alarms to waking him up in the middle of the night. Nothing worked. But within two weeks of using Dr. Sagie’s program, we started seeing a few dry nights. And within a month, he was completely dry. We can’t thank Dr. Sagie enough. My child can now have sleepovers and feels better about himself! I would never have believed it if I hadn’t experienced it myself, but I promise you that it is an amazing system!


This product is amazing!!!!!

This is a fantastic product. Our son was about to turn 7 and was still wetting the bed every night. We had spent a fortune on nighttime pull-ups and often he was so wet that he would soak right through to the sheets. We decided to try the Stopee method and within a couple weeks he was having dry nights. After about three months he was consistently dry. My son loved going online each morning to chart his progress and receive weekly encouragement and instruction from Dr. Sagee. Also, any questions I had were promptly responded to via email. It seems expensive, but it more than pays for itself with not having to buy pull-ups anymore. He is so proud of himself, and we no longer have to worry about bed wetting when we travel or he has sleepovers. I would highly recommend this product.

This program works wonders!

My 6 year old was wetting the bed every night – I couldn’t keep up with Mount Laundry! The Therapee is not just the pad/alarm, but a whole program – and my son loved everything about this program: he loved knowing this was something that could be fixed, he loved setting the “alarm” and filling out the daily charts, he loved getting stars and watched the messages from the doctor over and over. It took two 2-week sessions, and he never wet the bed again – it’s been 2 months! It was empowering for him – I highly recommend this program.

This system worked great. 

This system worked great. Our 6 year old daughter was starting to become dry when she would sleep overnight elsewhere but still wet most nights at home. About a month into it she was completely dry.

November 22, 2015

I am happy to report that my daughter is doing so well!
She has not had an accident even once since she started!  We are very happy!


The opinions expressed here are only the evaluations of the individuals, results may vary from person to person. We cannot guarantee the same results for every client.