My email will never explain just how grateful I am for finding this program. It has changed my son’s life, our life and our family. My 7 year son has had toilet problems his whole life, constant day leakage due to Voiding dysfunction. We have had surgery and medication over the last 2 years which thankfully has solved the day time.
Wearing a pull up at age 7 was really affecting him, his behavior and self esteem. Even medication at night did nothing to ease the wetting.
I found your program on Facebook and thought I’d give it a try – I thought I nothing to lose!
Within a month it has not only worked but our son is like a different child.
14 nights so far with only 1 wet night.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Our son is so proud of himself and so are we.
Due to high demand, our sale has been extended
Get TheraPee™ with unlimited license
until your child is completely dry!
What does THERAPEE™ include?

The New Payment Plan
For a limited time only
Retail price: USD$399
Price: USD$329
Pay only
3 monthly payments of
First charge when placing order. Second payment – 30 days from the date of purchase. Last payment – 60 days from the date of purchase.
For free consultation with one of our bedwetting specialists
Success Stories
I tried several different methods of bed wetting correction on my now 10 year old son over several years. I tried an alarm system which had worked for his older sister but had little effect for himself. It was expensive how often we had to wash his sheets not to mention the mental distress and anxiety he suffered, especially when he got to the age of campouts and sleepovers with friends. Doing yet another online search I came across Dr. Sagie’s Therapee system. At first I thought it was like the other alarm systems, but after reading about the interactive aspect and especially the reviews from parents like me on amazon and other sites, it seemed like something we had to try and it has paid off in spades. My son loved the videos of Dr. Sagie talking to him about his progress and the unique exercises given, were a gratifying way a patient could take an active role in their own recovery. It really put the effort of becoming dry on my son and it was exactly what he needed. After more years then I’d like to think about of wet nights, it only took two weeks to start seeing results, and 3 months when my son announced he didn’t need the system any more. He has done a boy scout camperall, overnights at friends, and best of all dry nights at home with a peace of mind. That othe part of his life of fear and anxiety, is over. Thank you Dr. Sagie for a truly wonderful program and as a former bedwetter myself, I can honestly say I wish there had been a similar program when I was a child.
This is an excellent program.
This is an excellent program. The alarm and sensor pad are only part of the success. Dr. Sagie explains exercises for your child to preform daily. Each day your child will mark their progress with a color coded star (this is further explained in the sessions you will have with dr. Sagie). Ultimately your child works toward a “gold star.” It is self motivating. Our son no longer has a problem with bedwetting. Prior to this program we didn’t know what we were going to do to help our son. Bedwetting has been completely eliminated! Worth every penny!
He liked it though – did not fight it at least
My son was 11 when we found the TheraPee solution. We had tried most everything we could think of: regular bedwetting alarm, star chart rewarded with money, exam by a pediatric urologist, sleepover bedwetting hormone pills, dietary fiber increase, miralax for 6 months plus and nothing seemed to be working. My son agreed to try TheraPee and it was a slow start. He liked it though – did not fight it at least. He liked that Dr. Sagie gave him exercises to do after each video and he liked the the online chart. He could really see his progress. It worked for us in about 1 month. He was dry for the first time in his life. We are so grateful and highly recommend this device and Dr. Sagie’s system to anyone with this challenge.
My 11 year old grandson was a nightly bedwetter to the point his pillow would be wet. So many arguments and frustrations over the years. And then the self esteem issues and embarrassment. I finally did some research and found this program. Of course, the cost is always a concern (what if it doesn’t work and there are so many cheaper ones out there). But after reading the reviews, we signed up. He started the program in September and by December was waking up to urinate and no more wet beds! He was such a deep sleeper he would never wake up when he had to urinate. He has only had one accident since then. This system is easy to use, comfortable since there are no wires to attach, etc. and the videos and star chart are encouraging and helps to keep them going, no matter the age. in the program. Thank you for this program and I am recommending it to anyone who mentions their child has a problem.
Worth every penny! Amazing results!
My 6.5 year old son peed so much at night that no mater what diaper we tried, it would leak most nights. He is a very deep sleeper. He was uncomfortable and embarrassed and we were tired of the laundry and expense. We bought TheraPee and followed their instructions. It took about 10 days for him to be able to wake himself up to go potty. Now, after less than a month he is doing amazingly! Dry for the last 12 nights! I’m so proud of him and he is trilled. I couldn’t recommend this more!
Sagie does such a great job…
My daughter had struggled with wetting the bed ever since she was potty trained. By the time she was 4 or 5 we started making charts and doing incentives for her to get a “dry pullup” at night. There were times where it was so frustrating because she at one point had made it over a week and then went back to peeing the bed. After years of frustration we finally just relaxed and realized that we couldn’t do much about it. She would take care of her wet pullup in the morning and let me know when she was running low. We just thought from others and research she would grow out of it. I remember thinking by her 7th birthday that maybe she was old enough for things just have just developed more in her body and maybe one day she would just stop peeing in her pullups. At age 8 1/2 a huge blessing came and I had come across therapee online and wondered if it would work. I knew I would never do medication for my daughter. A very tender moment happened with my daughter and I knew at this point that I needed to at least try something. I purchased therapee and when we recieved it, we discussed it as a family and let my daughter know that we were all in this to support her. My younger son even loaned his bed to her, which was closer to mom and dads room. Through lots of prayer and team work, my daughter is officially DONE wetting the bed. The first week was a lot of work, but my husband and I worked well as a team helping her each night. Dr. Sagie does such a great job at telling you ALL of the specifics of what you need to do. It was so wonderful to have his help along the way. The 2nd week was also a lot of work with my daughter wetting the bed around 2 times a night. I remember feeling exhausted but we did all that we were supposed to in tracking. By week 4, I remember my daughter waking on her own just after she had fallen asleep after 1 hour. I was almost in tears. She was such a heavy sleeper that I never thought she would be able to do this. Long story short, we kept tracking, doing the things we were asked, staying positive and we saw the small changes happening. I was preparing myself for progress to happen around 2 – 3 months, so it was such a blessing that it worked quicker for her. She has now not had 1 accident for 15 weeks. This program is seriously amazing. I love everything about it. It makes perfect sense on how our brains need to learn to respond when our bladders are full. I am so grateful to Dr. Sagie and the program that he designed. It was worth every penny. It seems expensive, however when you follow the program and do what you are supposed to and put in the work with a positive environment and attitude you WILL see results. I honestly could keep going on and on about this program. I love it when I find people who are struggling with this because I want to share how it helped me and I KNOW it can help them. Don’t wait!
My son and I are over-the-moon thrilled with the results! He is 12 years old and was still wetting the bed almost nightly. We tried medication with mild success, but not a cure. The results were not immediate for us as it took about 3 months, but the overall progress was evident. He has been dry for over a month now! He went on an overnight class trip with no concerns and can finally have sleepovers without the concern of his friends discovering his nighttime underwear. Can’t thank Dr. Sagie and the TheraPee system enough!!!
Over a few months I continued to see ads for this program on Facebook, each time I would dig a little deeper by reading reviews or comments on the ads. Eventually I decided to buy it after trying so many other things with my 5 (almost 6) year old boy. We tried waking him up at regular intervals, chiropractic and more. He had never had a single dry night despite being potty trained for years already during the daytime. When we started the program he had 4-5 accidents a night (which was so hard and made us wonder if it could even work, we were so tired) and over that first week they decreased in frequency, in just over a week he was dry and has not had an accident since. He’s so proud of himself and happy to be able to wear underwear instead of pull ups to bed.
Our family is so glad we did it!
When we started this program, my 12 year old daughter wore a pull-up every night because she is a very deep sleeper and would always have an accident. She had only had at most 10 dry pull-ups in her life. Within the first 2 weeks, we saw 6 dry nights! We are now at 12 weeks and she has had 10 weeks plus 3 days dry. We tried a clip-on alarm in the past and it didn’t work.
This issue always caused her a lot of stress at sleepovers and when friends would come over in case they found her pull-ups. I can’t tell you how much Therapee has changed all of our lives. Thank you!
The opinions expressed here are only the evaluations of the individuals, results may vary from person to person. We cannot guarantee the same results for every client.