My son was bedwetting every night up until we tried TheraPee (at age 6). It was the last resort before going to see the local doctor/GP for advice and next steps. After also reading NHS guidance, trying to monitor what our son did at school (during Reception and Year 1), we felt we needed to be more disciplined and routine in resolving this.
This is where TheraPee was great. We did have some initial concerns, as our son shared a room with his younger brother (4 years old) and as two working parents, being up during the night; we knew that our son was also keen to try the device as he was motivated to stop bedwetting.
What was very positive and motivating for our son was the weekly videos that a) put him in control and interacting with the doctor and b) ability to mark his progress as we progressed. It was difficult for the first 7 days, as our son wet the bed 3 times during the night. However, we noticed this reduce in the second week and significantly reduce after that. It was great to see our son feeling proud of his progress. Within 3.5 weeks, he was completely dry at night, and has remained dry for the past 3 months at night time. He also has had some dribbles during the day, but we are progressing with the exercises given by TheraPee to reduce this.
All in all, we would definitely recommend TheraPee and also appreciated the prompt support where we had additional questions.