The ABC’s of Bedwetting: R

The complete bedwetting dictionary: R


☀️ Restraint learning and bedwetting:

Bedwetting in children is typically attributed to a lack of restraint learning. Children in this group did not learn how to operate the restraint mechanism while they were in a state of sleep. It is believed that the mechanism exists in their brain, but it does not recognize the signal sent by the filling bladder to the brain. Rather than constricting the sphincter muscles and holding back, they do the opposite – they relax the sphincter muscles, which eventually results in bedwetting, as they relax the sphincter muscles instead of contracting them.

There is a definition for these children who wet the bed as “essential” bedwetters. For them, bedwetting is considered to be an idiopathic symptom that is hard to manage. A symptom that is considered to be idiopathic is a symptom that does not appear as a result of another condition, but just stands on its own.

There is a difference between this symptom and a normal symptom, which is an expression of a specific issue, for example a symptom of urination because of mental stress on a child (a psychological cause) or a symptom of urination because of urinary problems (a medical cause).