The ABC’s of Bedwetting: F

The complete bedwetting dictionary: F


☀️ Food Allergies:

Some researchers assume that the following five foods affect the body’s ability to activate the restraint mechanism: caffeine, carbonation, citrus, chocolate, and an overdose of vitamin C. As a result of these foods, the body produces more urine, which makes it difficult to stay dry at night.

A study conducted by Sue Dengate found that the preservative calcium propionate used in baking bread could affect bedwetting. According to her, dairy products stimulate the bladder and make it difficult to stay dry while sleeping.
Many proponents of the theory of a connection between bedwetting and food agree that this is not the main cause of bedwetting and is only a contributing factor. The main cause for bedwetting seems to be maturity. Therefore, diet will not solve the problem of bedwetting, but it can assist in outgrowing it.

The treatment that is recommended is the elimination of all types of “suspicious” foods from the child’s menu, followed by adding them gradually one type of food at a time. Whenever a food is identified as causing bedwetting, it will be excluded from the child’s diet.